Women's Leadership Experience Gears up for Second Iteration

Women's Leadership Experience Gears up for Second Iteration

August 20, 2019

3 minute Read

For female leaders in the car wash industry, respect and recognition aren’t always granted as easily as they are for their male counterparts.

That’s where International Carwash Association’s Women’s Leadership Experience comes in. “It’s really about creating a community that brings women in the industry together to support each other and to recognize the valuable contributions they are making in our industry,” said Claire Moore, Chief Content Officer for International Carwash Association.

Last November, nearly 100 of the car wash industry’s high-performing and high-potential women and the people who support them gathered for the first ICA Women’s Leadership Experience.

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This year, the experience is headed to Second City Nov. 18-19 in Chicago for an experiential program designed to help women grow their leadership abilities and develop the skills they need to succeed in challenging situations.

Second City creates exercises that help people discover their own habits and reflexes. When participants see the behaviors they always turn to, it’s easy to recognize their limitations. When they experience what it’s like to try a different approach, they’re more willing to acknowledge that there’s another way.

The program will put people face-to-face with fears of confrontation and public speaking in a safe space.

“We all experience very similar things,” said Danni Reeves, Multi-Site Manager for Breeze Thru Car Wash. “To have those open conversations and meet others in the industry is a great opportunity.”

The real power of the Second City-inspired program, though, may be its ability to empower women to inspire growth back in their own organizations. According to Second City, its improv exercises teach people how to use structure, creativity, and precision to make messages more engaging and memorable. And they let people practice using body language and voice in front of a supportive audience, so that their confidence, humor, and experience shine through.

“I think this is out on the world stage right now,” said Dorielle Birnkrant, Vice President of PetroCal Associates. “An event like this is starting to shine light in our own industry and help us step out of those [traditional] stereotypes and make sure we’re educated and empowered and proving ourselves in a way that gets respect from both coworkers and clients alike.”


Improvise This: Confident & Collaborative Communication

Hone (or create!) the skills required for confident communication when you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Studies show that confident communication has the ability to diffuse any problematic encounter.

Breaking through Bias & Creating a Dream Culture

Your influence matters, so use it! Often, we get caught up thinking about the bias that can be present in our company cultures. You have tremendous power and influence if you want it. Leverage that to ensure you aren’t letting stereotypes of yesterday dictate progress today.

Owning It!

You’re a strong, confident, and respected professional. Bring all the tools from the workshop together to disagree productively, navigate tough conversations, and create inclusive environments everywhere you go.

Women bring an important perspective and add unique value to their organizations. Lift up yourself or a powerful woman in your organization in Second City this November. Learn more at's-leadership-experience.

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