Wash Ideas - Fall 2015

Wash Ideas - Fall 2015

July 2, 2015

3 minute Read

Great ideas often come up during the weekly interviews on Recently one such idea presented, was at the same time both difficult and brilliant. It is worth overcoming any difficulties in its achievement.

It all happened while interviewing a true legend in the car wash industry, Ed Dahm.

Ed joined his brother Joe in the car wash business shortly after opening their first location, in the ‘60s. Ed, Joe, family members and faithful employees built the legendary Mike’s Carwash chain. Ed also served as ICA president early in his career.

It is easy to overlook these “legends” interviews as nothing more than a glimpse into yesteryear. One never knows, week to week, when a jewel of an idea is going to show up!

Here it is, a hot off the press, an idea which is current and worthy of repeating.

Ed: Oh by the way, I was in our Costco store here in Fort Wayne, the other day. They just opened our store about a year and a half ago. Now they sell our car wash tickets. He (the manager) says that one of the best things they’ve got going is our car wash tickets.

Perry: That’s a great Idea! How did that happen? How did you get all that worked out?

Ed: Well, they [car wash management] just went to them and told [Costco Management] about what we had to offer and then they (Costco) liked what we were doing as far as the customer is concerned and the quality of the wash.

But when I was in Chicago the other day with my son, we went to a Costco there, and I said, ‘Hey, do you have any car wash tickets I can buy?’

The lady said, ‘What do you mean car wash tickets? We don’t sell car wash tickets.’

Perry: What and innovative idea!

Ed: Oh, it’s awesome! You know, they are promoting us! Costco! Isn’t that amazing!

Perry: Yes! That is amazing.

Ed: They (Costco) tell us it is one of the best programs they have going.

Perry: That is amazing! So, you go to Costco. You buy a discount ticket with your membership.

Ed: Yes.

Perry: Do you know the technical details of how that handshaking works? How do they pass the money to you?

Ed: We give Costco $100 worth of car wash tickets and they (Costco and the customer), get a discount off of that.

Perry: Do they just write you a check monthly for your sales?

Ed: Yes.

Perry: Wow! That is an amazing program and I have never heard of it! Who in your organization thought of that.

Ed: I don’t know.

Perry: I hope everyone is listening. Here is another good reason to have a good reputation in your community and do a good job for the customer.

Ed: You have got to have the reputation.

Perry: Did they come out and inspect your facilities or look at your work?

Ed: Oh yes. Sure. They talked to people to. They would go out and talk to customers and ask what they think about us.

Perry: That is an incredible thing.

It is worth mentioning that many markets where Costco is present do not have this concept implemented yet. Will your wash the next to receive the benefit of the next Costco sales effort?

Keep listening to the weekly broadcast because you never know when your next best Idea is going to show up!

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