Magazine Stories

Take a Tour: Terrible’s Las Vegas, Nevada

Written by Admin | Dec 17, 2021 6:00:00 AM
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Year opened:

Number of locations:
151 Convenience stores
57 Car washes
7 Convenience stores and car washes under construction now

Building size:
80 feet long and 22 feet wide, not including the equipment room

Conveyor length:
80 feet

Tunnel supplier:
Western Auto Wash

Equipment supplier:
MacNeil Car Wash Equipment
Vacutech Vacuums
Pay Stations by DRB Systems

Chemical supplier:
Lustra Car Care products

Environmentally friendly:
We reuse all of our reject water from the RO system for our high pressure passes, instead of it going down the drain.

Unique features:
Unmanned self-loading tunnels

Website & Social Media: (@terribleherbst)

Other cool info to share

• Largest Chevron station in the United States. Store is 50,000 square feet
with 96 fueling positions.

• Incorporated all in-bay automatics
into our monthly car wash program.