Supporting Those Who Support the Car wash Industry

Supporting Those Who Support the Car wash Industry

April 27, 2018

2 minute Read

The importance of our participation in the political process becomes very evident each time we consider the negative coverage our industry receives not only through the media, but also in federal and local government and all throughout the states we represent. One of the most effective ways to combat these negative views and stifling legislation is forming a Political Action Committee (PAC) and use the funds raised to support officials that will help pass favorable legislation, block unfavorable legislation and be an advocate for our industry.

In late 2015, the Western Carwash Association launched its PAC to focus on a number of issues members face including:

  • Improving the Car Wash Registration Law and bonding requirements
  • Minimum and Living Wage legislation
  • Labor legislation
  • Water regulation
  • Utility regulation
  • Workers compensation regulation and legislation.
  • Insurance regulatory legislation
  • Environmental legislation

Our industry, like many, often only react when it is too late. That is what happened in California when the Car Wash Registration law passed and the subsequent bond increase. WCA has now created a mechanism where members can participate in making changes vital to the industry before the all too familiar political landslide takes place.

The WCA-PAC is based in California. However, as you all know, many legislative trends, mostly negative ones unfortunately, originated in the Golden State and then moved outward. Taking an active interest and supporting the PAC is one way in which you can help to ensure that negative legislative trends that could impact your operation outside of California do not come to fruition. For better or for worse, there is an adage that says that with respect to legislation, what happens in California doesn’t always stay in California.

There’s on old adage that says that if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu. Being active in the political process allows industry groups and individuals a better chance to be heard. We encourage all of our members and even those who may not be a member of the WCA to donate to the WCA-PAC by visiting the WCA website and clicking on the PAC section. You can also donate to the PAC upon your membership renewal. For more information please visit the WCA website at or call (800) 344-9274.

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Published in partnership with:
The Wyman Company
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