Oasis Car Wash Systems
Bachelor of Science and Technology, Pittsburg State University
Stephen Wade recently took a few minutes out of his day to discuss his path to the car wash industry, his favorite ICA programs and his life outside of car wash. Wade began his career with Master Chemical Corporation manufacturing cutting fluids and recycling equipment for those fluids used in machine shops before joining forces with his father and uncle to bring to market the first automatic car wash to adjust to the length and width of a vehicle. Q: How did you get into
the car wash industry?
A: My dad and uncle owned a small manufacturing firm producing equipment for the farming and cattle industry. They were approached by a person to design and manufacture the first automatic car wash to adjust to the length and width of the vehicle, but after about a year of development, the person they were working with died unexpectedly. So there they were with a new car wash system ready to go to market and no one to market and sell the systems. I was invited to come back home and start the process, and I’ve been in the industry ever since.
Q: That’s pretty amazing. It’s not often you get to be first to do something in an industry. Over your career, what would you say was the best business decision you ever made?
A: Easy, hiring each of my brothers!
Q: But of course, keeping it in the family, right? Switching gears …
what do you do when you’re not thinking about car washes?
A: I like to stay active. I have many passions, but flying tops the list. I enjoy snow skiing, scuba diving, backpacking, running, travel and any activity with my grandson!
Q: Let’s talk industry … what do you find particularly interesting right now?
A: The car wash industry has almost exclusively been a family business, both in equipment manufacturing, distributors and operators. It now seems consolidation and more corporate control is moving into our industry, and it will be interesting to see how our industry changes for better and worse with this changing of the guard.
Q: Knowing that, what keeps
the ICA relevant?
A: The Car Wash Show keeps the ICA relevant as it is the best car wash specific trade show in our industry, and I think the addition of The Car Wash Show Europe will have the same relevance. Another area of great importance is that ICA is the face of the car wash industry, not only to consumers but probably more importantly to city, state and national agencies. Water conservation, waste and the environment continues its move to the forefront and it is very important for the ICA to be the advocate for the car wash industry — suppliers and operators alike.