Meet the Board - Jim Mulholland

Meet the Board - Jim Mulholland

October 2, 2014

2 minute Read


Busy Bee Car Wash

Florida State University

Jim Mulholland joined the International Carwash Association Board of Directors in 2013. His father started the family car wash business in 1969. Today, there are three Busy Bee car washes in the Miami/Dade County area of South Florida — two flex-serves and one exterior. Mulholland has been washing cars since he was 8 years old, and he took over the family business in 1991 after the untimely passing of his father.

Q: What keeps it fun for you, Jim?
A: What I enjoy the most is all of the great friendships I have developed over the years. Also, in some important respects, it’s a very straightforward business: there are no perishables, there are limited receivables and expenses are very manageable.

Q: What parts of the business are most interesting to you now?
A: I really have my eye on subscription models (whereby the customer pays a single monthly fee, usually for an unlimited number of visits). Automated teller technology made that idea possible, and I’m excited about future innovations in marketing and vending the car wash transaction.

Q: Why are you a member of ICA?

A: While I think ICA has done a good job of growing the number of “products” we offer to operators and suppliers, what I most value is the forum they create for the exchange of ideas that happens at trade shows and E3 Series events. The free-flowing exchange of ideas has absolutely helped me to grow a more successful business.

Q: Talk about your service on the ICA board.

A: Growing up in the industry has allowed me to see a lot of great operators serve as a board member on the ICA. It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to personally serve as a board member for an industry that has always been very good to my family and me. I believe that the ICA’s continuing passion to serve our industry, such as Car Wash Show Europe, will to continue to help grow and develop new ideas.

Q: Where do you get new ideas for your business?

A: I’d like to think everywhere! I spend a lot of time traveling, networking and looking outside the industry. There is always an opportunity to find that one nugget that can enhance the growth of your business and improve your customer’s experience.

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