Meet the Board - Jerry Miller

Meet the Board - Jerry Miller

January 1, 2012

3 minute Read

For ICA President Jerry Miller, a wealth of experience and a commitment to family and faith have created a successful and fulfilling business.

OUR BUSINESS INCLUDES a full-service car wash with oil change and three express car washes in the North Texas market. We are in the process of developing two additional express washes. All of our sites have the same management team, but there are three separate companies with different ownership (investor groups) and boards of directors.

AFTER THREE YEARS in the United States Marine Corps, I took my first “real” job with Radio Shack in 1969. During my three years there, the company went from 300 stores to 3,000 — affording me the opportunity to open or run seven different locations. I later worked for the Texas Refinery Corporation as a sales and purchasing manager, responsible for Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. My last job before the car wash industry was working as a purchase manager for a construction company.

MANY OF US have had that moment when we reevaluate our priorities or careers. For me, it was when I had a heart attack at age 36. With the support and encouragement of my wife Jane, it was then that I decided I didn’t want to work for anyone else. I wanted to do what would make me happy, and what’s better than having a clean car!

OUR MISSION STATEMENT is: “To demonstrate EXCELLENCE and INTEGRITY in all that we do; To be CUSTOMER-driven and committed to QUALITY in all of our SERVICES.” We also take care of our people and treat them with the same respect as we want them to treat us. We have dedicated each location to the Lord and committed that we want each store and our people to be a blessing to the community they serve. God has provided the number of cars at each location for us to be successful.

IT REALLY IS our family business, and that’s perhaps my favorite part. My son Doug works for the full-service location and now has the role of vice president and operations manager for both companies. My son Todd has an insurance company, and we purchase our health insurance through him. Jane runs the gift store at the full-service site; her company selects and purchases the inventory.


I never had the opportunity to go to college. My father passed away while I was in the Marine Corps and after returning from Vietnam, it was necessary for me to go right to work. Regardless, it will be hard for you to find a bigger fan of Texas Christian University and the Horned Frogs! We are very involved in the TCU community and are fortunate to count many of the football coaches and players from over the years as our friends.


Since my health issues, exercise has become part of my daily routine. I either go to the gym or spend time on my bike when I can get the time. Cycling filled a void for me after the loss of our youngest son and became a way to heal. That following year I took the time to ride all over the United States and France compiling almost 3,500 miles. Jane and I also teach Sunday school at our church. We have had two of our grandchildren in our class the past two years.


The car wash industry has been the source of many personal and business mentors, particularly those who I’ve been able to serve with on the Southwest Car Wash Association and the International Carwash Association boards of directors — as well as my companies’ own boards. I am also a member of a peer mentoring group started by ICA, and I meet with a small group of operators from the U.S. and Canada twice a year. That opportunity has absolutely helped my business, and the camaraderie and friendships keep me enthused.

Jerry Miller and his wife, Jane, opened a family run car wash operation in the North Texas market.

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