Meet the Board - Fred O'Neill

Meet the Board - Fred O'Neill

January 2, 2016

4 minute Read

Fred O’Neill is president of O’Neill Enterprises. He graduated from Fairfield University in 1979 with a degree in business management and quantitative analysis. He currently owns and operates four car washes — three exterior/flex/detail and one traditional full service. All are located in southwestern Fairfield County, Connecticut. O’Neill shared his humble pride of serving as the new board president and his excitement for the future of the car wash industry.

Q: Tell us about your path to the car wash industry.

A: I started at a local car wash part time in high school. The funny thing is, all I kept thinking was, as long as I do well in college, I can get a good job in corporate America and never have to work at a car wash or gas station again. The original plan didn’t work out too well…

Shortly after graduating college, I began a job with Mobil Oil Corporation operating gas stations and car washes in their company-owned portfolio in the New York City area as well as the Fairfield County area of Connecticut. My career path was to enter their marketing representative program and begin a career in corporate life.

After only 9 months, Mobil sold me a gas/car wash franchise (that I still own today), and my career path changed from corporate to entrepreneur. I never looked back.

Q: What keeps you in the business?

A: I have always enjoyed the “jack of all trades” requirement of being in the car wash business. There are myriad challenges — from equipment, to chemicals, to capital sourcing, to weather, to interaction with the employees and customers. There’s always something different to learn and to improve upon. I am constantly meeting and learning from really smart and innovative car wash owners and vendors — both old-guard experienced guys and those new to the industry.

Q: What would you tell someone who is considering entering the car wash business?

A: I would advise them to get as technically comfortable as quickly as possible. Car washing is evolving into a higher-tech world every moment. From advanced pay stations and computer controls to marketing through social media and other channels, I could not have imagined these things when I began in the industry 35 years ago.

Q: What have you learned from the car wash industry?

A: I have learned that the car wash industry has a lot of great, imaginative thinkers. Those I have met epitomize the small business pioneer. For many, it took courage to risk starting or purchasing their first wash. Like all entrepreneurs, they look at problems as opportunities and bring to it an endless spirit and energy.

Q: Why is it important to get involved and be part of your trade association?

A: Getting involved with your local, regional and national associations is just smart business. Our industry loves to share knowledge and experience. Being involved in associations opens the door to learn and develop your own business, not to mention the relationships you develop along the way. It’s fantastic.

Q: What should members and car washers know about the work of the association?

A: The ICA board and staff is made up of some of the brightest people I have ever met. All of us are working hard to build a better car wash community. The new Event Series we just announced is the first step toward that goal. I have learned that “car wash guys” like to get together and share knowledge, experience and goals. Ultimately, if we can grow that community, and our trust and willingness to share with each other, then we can grow the industry to newfound heights. The axiom still applies — the smarter and more creative we get, the more cars we will wash; the more cars we wash, the happier the operator. The operator, in turn, will need more equipment, chemistry and supplies from our vendor population. It’s easy!

Q: What are you most excited about during your term as president?

A: As president, I am very excited to meet fellow operators and vendors in U.S. and Europe. The car wash industry is growing and prospering nicely right now. There has never been a better time to come together and enjoy this success and build for the future. I feel an embarrassment of riches because I believe I have the best, most forward-thinking board and ICA staff ever assembled, and we are going to do some really fun and innovative things this year. width=2

O’Neill Enterprises

Business management and quantitative analysis
Fairfield University

Owner and operator of four car washes in Connecticut

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