Log On Be Heard

Log On Be Heard

July 1, 2014

3 minute Read

When it comes to marketing techniques, sometimes a nudge is stronger than a push.

In a world where aggressive marketing is commonplace, a blog, which allows the writer to provide insight on a personal level, is certainly a gentler approach.

Often described as a digital journal, a blog is a relatively informal platform consisting of individual entries, or posts. While blogs aren’t new, blogging services, such as Blogger and Wordpress, have made them increasingly accessible and user-friendly.

This is the beauty of blogging — you don’t have to be rich, famous or particularly tech-savvy to be heard. If you have something valuable to say, and you communicate your ideas genuinely and on a consistent basis, people will listen. But when handed the microphone, do you know what to say?


The purpose of professional blogging is not to give away your services for free, but to offer digestible tidbits of knowledge to help others understand the value of your trade — and ultimately inspire them to seek your expertise.

A blog is also not the place for thinly veiled product advertisements. Instead, use it to position yourself as an industry expert worth conducting business with. Through a blog, your opinions can shine, offering a “behind the curtains” look at the person behind the product or service.

When creating content, consider what would inspire you to read a blog. Learn by example — find blogs that interest you, and read them daily. You’ll know a blog is successful if you look forward to each new post. When you discover such talent, imitate it.

You may choose to offer tips about your products and how they help people; comment on industry news; obtain client permission to share case studies; or discuss your experiences in the industry. Whatever you write about, make it colorful and entertaining to keep readers coming back. Share your opinions, within reason. Content should never be sterile: instead; it should demonstrate why you stand out from the pack as an industry leader. Be sure to include a headshot and description of yourself so that readers can identify you on a more personal level.


Blogging undoubtedly requires time and dedication, but the results can be surprising. Expect to spend a few hours on each post, and make sure to update the blog with new posts on a consistent basis. More content means more readers, and strong content will garner a lot of attention — which is what marketing is all about.

A word of caution: It’s important that you don’t start a blog just to have one. An abandoned, unkempt blog is worse than not having one at all. A blogging schedule will help keep you on track as a writer and offer your readership predictability. Try to complete posts at roughly the same time each day. If you don’t post every day, make sure to maintain a consistent schedule (for example, take each Wednesday off).

It’s also important to take time to engage with your readers. Respond to comments, and ask your readers what they would like you to write about. Relationship building is an important part of blogging, and it will help you position yourself as a trusted resource.


In addition to customer attraction, blogging can serve as a tool for professional growth, inspiring you to consistently reflect on your job value and on the state of the industry. Additionally, the responsibility of providing relevant content forces you to keep up with industry trends.

It’s also gratifying. Digging deeper into the topics you are passionate about and creating an online community around those topics is a motivating experience that can inspire your day-to-day work.

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