Letter from the Editor - Winter 2021

Letter from the Editor - Winter 2021

November 19, 2021

2 minute Read

MattAs a person who creates a pretty large body of content, part of what keeps me fresh is also consuming a lot of content. So here’s a recommendation for you.

Recently, I’ve been binge watching a show on Netflix called Money Heist. It’s a masterfully done series about a group of people who plan the world’s largest heist when they endeavor to take somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 billion euros from the Spanish Mint. It’s filled with moments where you’re sure things are going off the rails, but everything has been meticulously planned. It’s brilliant. Now, unless you speak Spanish, you’ll have to read the subtitles but it loses nothing in translation.

Beyond being a great show to watch in your free time, this particular show had me thinking about the work that has gone into planning and executing The Car Wash Show 2021 in Las Vegas. To coordinate a trade show of this magnitude is no simple task in a regular year, but to do so while navigating consistently changing COVID restrictions means that this show has been planned in, at least, triplicate. Every contingency had to be considered, and all planning had to take place in parallel. All of that, with the powerful team at International Carwash Association and a group of highly valued partners.

As I’ve participated from the fringe getting ready to bring our CAR WASH Magazine Live program to The Car Wash Show, I’ve been amazed at the work that the ICA team has done. It’s truly incredible.

Thousands of people are going to come together in Las Vegas for the largest car wash show on the planet. It’s going to be a fantastic time, and people are going to walk away with ideas, inspiration and meaningful connections that make it possible to really succeed in their businesses.

My one small ask is that if you’re among those experiencing The Show in Las Vegas, that you take a minute to say thank you to the event organizers and the people who made it all possible.

And if you stop by the CAR WASH Magazine Live studio, make sure you say hello!


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