Letter from the Editor - Spring 2022

Letter from the Editor - Spring 2022

May 17, 2022

2 minute Read

TCWS_LV21_BESTWhen I saw the first proof for this issue of CAR WASH Magazine, I almost didn’t have words … in the best way possible.

Our team has spent the last decade releasing an award-winning publication truly representative of the car wash industry but this one … this one got me.

It’s a combination of things, but you know the feeling. It’s the same feeling as when you open your first wash, or when you make the big move into a multi-site operator, or when you launch that product that you know is going to be a game-changer.

This issue of the magazine marks the realization of a grander vision. A vision that CAR WASH Magazine can be so much more than a magazine. A vision of a comprehensive media brand that best represents and best connects the professional car wash industry through the power of positive storytelling.

Let’s back up for a moment.

If you were to compare the car wash industry of 2022 to 2012, you’d certainly say that the industry is different. You’d probably say that the essence of the industry – the great people, the entrepreneurial spirit, the willingness to collaborate and share – is still there, but that today’s car wash industry is more sophisticated, more complex, more … visible.

When CAR WASH Magazine first published back in the winter of 2011, it did so with one key purpose – to share the positive stories of the people and companies in the car wash industry in a way that was reflective of the professional car wash industry.

Today, we’re turning the page on CAR WASH Magazine to the next decade of growth. The essence of our work is the same … we’re here to bring our industry together through the power of positive storytelling. But, as a media offering, the brand now boasts an elevated print design and a strong presence in live streaming, podcasts, video and digital content.

Why? Because we want to honor the industry of the past, reflect the industry of today, and prepare you for the industry of the future.


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The Wyman Company
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