Focus on The Member - Winter 2016

Focus on The Member - Winter 2016

October 1, 2016

3 minute Read

Chris Presswood

Co-owner, co-founder Finish Line Car Wash
Murray, Kentucky

Finish Line Car Wash first opened in December 1999 and was founded by Nancy Bergfield and son Chris Presswood. Finish Line was a traditional full-service car wash and detail center. Like many, the business model evolved to full service with an express exterior lane, to a flex-service location. About nine years into business, we opened a second flex-service location in Murray, Kentucky, and added a third express exterior location the same year in Paris, Tennessee. The fourth express exterior location came in 2014 in West Paducah. Around six months ago, we began transitioning the two flex-service locations into an express exterior business model, with two locations with detail centers. This past November 2016 we were excited to open our fifth location. Finish Line currently employs approximately 70 team members.

Q: How did you get into the car wash business?

A: Car washing wasn’t exactly part of the plan. We felt there was a need that needed to be met on that particular side of town. Our family had been in and around different family businesses over the years, and we knew we wanted to do something. Little did we know how much we would fall in love with it!

Q: What do you love about the car wash industry?

A: In 16 years, we haven’t had the same day twice. Each day is a new opportunity to serve people. Whether internal or external customers.

One of the things for me, personally, is the ability to work specifically with our management team. Our team is just amazing, and their energy is contagious. Whether it is working on HR systems, marketing programs, maintenance programs or new site layouts, you never know what is around the corner.

Q: What innovations are you most interested in bringing to car washes?

A: It has been interesting to see what opportunities exist around technology. What is available to small business today is so amazing and creates opportunities to scale. Never before have we had what we have at our fingertips, at a price that can create a good return.

It will be interesting to see what will continue to come down the pipeline in controls and automation — whether in the tunnel or point-of-sale systems.

Q: What’s your advice for successful hiring?

A: Past behavior indicates future results. Measure your effectiveness along each step of the hiring process. You can’t predict the future, but you can increase the likely hood of successful hiring through quantification.

Q: What’s your secret to excellent customer service?A

Invest in your team daily, weekly in how to take care of a customer. It is more than an onboarding or orientation packet. We can’t pretend to have it all figured out here, but creating a brand feel is something that can be measured.

Carl Nuss

President, ComtecWash Systems, Inc.

Q: Tell us about your business.

A: We design, build, manage, service and supply several car washes. We strive to put new entrepreneurs into business and walk with them, providing assistance where and whenever they need it.

Q:How did you get into the car wash business?

A: I was an aerospace worker who was introduced to the car wash business in the mid-80s. Through all the ups and downs of the car wash industry, I have dedicated my professional career to help better the plight of car wash operators.

Q :What do you love about the car wash industry?

A: It’s gratifying to help business people build their empire. I have been involved in hundreds of startup car washes and enjoyed incredible success ratios. Someone once said, “Stress is lack of control of your life.” We try to empower people to reduce their stress by enjoying success in their endeavors.

Q: What innovations are you most interested in bringing to car washes?

A: Smart machines that actually “clean” cars without causing damage.

Q: What’s your advice for successful hiring? A Employ people who have a genuine hunger for success — nothing becomes successful without some passion. Business without passion is just another job. Q What’s your secret to excellent customer service?

A: Employing the age-old principle that the customer may not always be right, but he/she is the reason we all exist in the business world. We are only as good as the service we provide.

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