Emerging Leaders - Danni Reeves

Emerging Leaders - Danni Reeves

September 26, 2017

3 minute Read

Be replaceable for the right reasons.

That’s the mantra that Danni Reeves lives by. The Breeze Thru Carwash multi-site manager is devoted to developing herself and those around her to the point that they’re all replaceable… for the right reasons.

“I am always looking to improve myself personally and move forward professionally into positions with more responsibility and impact on the people in my company and my community,” Reeves said. “To be replaceable for the right reasons means you are leading and mentoring the people under you to efficiently develop their skillset, which will improve the proficiency of your team to meet your company’s goals as well as move yourself up the ladder quicker. And in the meantime, you are training your replacement, which makes the transition out of your position just a little simpler.”

While Reeves didn’t set out to have a career in the car wash industry, she knew shortly after starting at Breeze Thru Carwash that there was real potential to create a lifelong career there.

“Before I started with Breeze Thru, I was just a young person looking for a sustainable job,” Reeves said. “After a couple years, I knew there wasn’t anywhere else I’d rather be. The car wash industry combines so many different industries into one, creating an extremely beneficial learning platform.”

At Breeze Thru, Reeves said she is kept on her toes. “I learn something new every day,” she said. “Whether it’s people-oriented, mechanics, chemistry, all the way to getting involved in building new sites and everything that goes into that.”

She enjoys the variety because it’s helping her to continually develop and grow. “During high school, I enjoyed the elective classes, such as physics and electronics,” Reeves said. “I found that I learn more about those things everyday... I am adjusting counterweights on a top brush or rewiring a motor.”

Reeves’ hunger for learning is ensuring an already successful path. Justin Salisbury, regional operations manager for Breeze Thru, sees her value. “Danni has established herself as a leader. She started as a customer service attendant, worked through assistant manager, site manager and now multi-site manager,” said Salisbury. “Danni is a selfless hard worker who is constantly pitting her abilities against her knowledge for the betterment of her team. When Danni thrives, her team improves.”

Helping her team develop and succeed is just as important to Reeves as her own development. “Few people are as passionate as Danni in seeing so many succeed before them,” Salisbury said. “She never asks her team for something she is not willing to put forth first. People thrive in their abilities as professionals when under Danni’s watch.”

After talking to Reeves, you can tell she is motivated by a strong sense of purpose. “When someone finds their purpose, it changes everything,” she said. “Most people want a leader to guide them with that strong sense of purpose. The focus, passion and tenacity that comes from this is infectious.”

Reeves’ inner drive and focus on the future helps her to look past short-term wins and think about what will propel her in the years to come. Salisbury recalls sharing great news — an upcoming bonus — that Reeves was to receive at the company’s annual employee appreciation dinner. Instead of being excited about the bonus, Reeves said she was looking forward to meeting with all the employees. “Her interest was in better understanding the people who make up our company,” Salisbury said.

Luckily for Breeze Thru, Reeves has no intentions of leaving the company.

“In five years, I see myself buying into the company and holding an even higher position,” she said. “I also see my knowledge of the car wash industry growing closer to that expert level any leader would hope to achieve.”

Seems like it’s only a matter of time.

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