

February 27, 2023

2 minute Read

By Nicole Needles

Cookies are a way for marketers to give their audience a more tailored experience based on their behaviors and habits. How do cookies work, and how can you maximize their use for your business growth?


Internet cookies are essentially your unique identifier while you are browsing the internet. These cookies are small files stored on your computer’s hard disks that a browser can leverage to store your data, so when you change websites, do a quick Google search or log into your accounts, the server will give you specific ads and content based on your history.

Cookies used to be hidden, but data privacy concerns make it so that now cookie popups are one of the first things you see when you visit a new web page. These pop-ups have options such as “accept all cookies,” “accept only essential cookies” or “continue without cookies.” The pop-up should also include a link to the website’s cookie policy.


Cookies can be implemented on your website using code, but an easier way to do this is to link your website with a tool such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, CMS WordPress or similar to track your website’s metrics. These tools will give you insight into how long your customers stay on your website, their click journey, how they found your website and more.

This information is how marketers know what changes to make on their websites and how to tweak their messaging.

If your unlimited wash club is available for purchase on your website, for example, if a user has left it in their cart without making the final click, you can send them a quick reminder email.


Cookies are a great tool. However, when business owners are not careful with customer data, it becomes a problem. Customers must trust your business to know they are valued and keep returning. To protect customer data such as login information, location, credit card information, etcetera, ensure their data is only used to make their experience with your business the best it can be. There are a few ways to do this.

Try not to collect data that you’re not going to use. Only collect essential information to maximize customer privacy. In addition, make sure your website is secure. Whether using a firewall, installing anti-malware software, making sure your software is up to date or, ideally, all of the above, don’t leave your back door open.

Cookies are a way for marketers to give their audience a more tailored experience based on their behaviors and habits


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