Ask Champ - Influencer Marketing

Ask Champ - Influencer Marketing

October 6, 2021

2 minute Read

I saw somewhere recently that you can get an influencer degree. Does this mean I should be doing more with influencer marketing?
—Knowledge Seeker

The simple answer is no. The legitimatization of social media influencer as a career does not mean you must incorporate it as a marketing tactic. Can it be a strategy to help you get more customers? Maybe.

Putting more of your marketing money into a traditional influencer marketing campaign effort could hurt more than it helps. Unless you have washes everywhere (nobody does ... yet) then you could be throwing dollars at followers who will never be customers simply because of geographic location. That leaves you with less money and energy spent on reaching and capturing those people who are likely to use your wash.
Now, if you’re just dying to use influencers, there are a few ways you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your effort.

1. Leverage community influencer groups
Look to those groups in your community that have reach and have built up trust with their followers. Whether that’s a local mom’s network, a young professionals’ group, or the local bakery that everyone loves, these are homeruns.

2. Keep it centered around a specific campaign
That which gets measured gets done. If you’re trying to have influence all the time, you’ll end up with a diluted impact. Concentrate your efforts around specific campaigns (like store openings or community events) with a defined timeline. Remember SMART goals. Unsure of what that is? The interwebs can help!

3. Barter.
You can keep your barrier to entry low here by giving away a few free washes (I hear wash books are much adored). And if you find a real hot prospect, then you can give away a few unlimited passes. Next thing you know, you’re getting good quality posts about your business that are engaging, reaching people you want to reach, and authentic.
The best path to having a strong influencer strategy? Build relationships in your community. At the end of the day, we’re really talking about a brand ambassador strategy. So, build those connections. Plural. If you hitch the wagon to a single horse … you won’t go anywhere if that horse gets sick and croaks.

Champ Savage is a marketing expert. It says so right on his business card. He has traveled the world bringing ideas to business owners of all kinds, and his accolades are even more numerous than his passport stamps. Now, Savage lends his expertise exclusively to CAR WASH Magazine and its readers.

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