Ask Champ - Facebook Algorithm Changes

Ask Champ - Facebook Algorithm Changes

April 25, 2018

2 minute Read

I was finally starting to see some results from my Facebook efforts. Now, I saw that Facebook changed its algorithm and that users are going to only see my posts if their friends and family are commenting on them. How can I make sure I still reach people on Facebook?
-Jon from Nebraska

Algorithms. There are entire doctoral theses we could talk about related to algorithms. We could debate the merits of today’s algorithms until we’re blue in the face.

But, for many people, that’s like stabbing yourself in the face with a hot poker. More than once.

Facebook has changed the secret formula. So, what should you not do? Don’t be spammy. Engagement bait is a real thing. Don’t encourage people to do strange things, unrelated to your brand promise. For example, don’t post something that says, “If you’re breathing, comment on this post.” That’s ridiculous, and smarmy, and people are going to be put off by the attempt to worm your way into their feeds.

Here’s what matters. Stay connected to your Facebook followers by continuing to stay true to your core brand.

Quick refresher; your brand isn’t your logo. In the most basic explanation, it’s your promise. Your promise, in the car wash industry, should always at least contain some variation on the idea that you’re providing customers with a clean, dry and shiny car. Generally speaking, if you’re fulfilling on your brand, you’re going to garner the kind of comments and social interaction required to make sure you stay relevant.

Now, that’s not to say you can abandon any social efforts. In fact, there’s one very simple thing you can promote to your customers and potential customers. Your customers, if they are following your Facebook page, can choose to always see posts from their favorite pages by choosing “See First” in their news feed preferences.

Make sure you continue to ask customers to follow your Facebook page. And, why not remind followers about how to make sure they continue to see your content (ahem, perhaps special offers)?

Another quick win? Make more videos. There are lots of things we should talk about before I give such a blanket statement, but I’m going to let this one slide. Facebook will still favor videos, and especially live videos that are creating engagement opportunities on Facebook. So … how’s your live video strategy? I hear ICA is going heavy with some live video at this year’s The Car Wash Show in Las Vegas. Just sayin’.

At any rate, be prepared to spend more time and attention making sure you’re really engaging with your customers. You’re going to have to spend more to advertise to folks, and you’re going to have to get much smarter about targeting and using custom audiences to see maximum return on your investment.

Good luck!

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