After hosting eight fun and successful charity washes, Wild Blue Car Wash was able to help raise a total of $11,477.98 for their surrounding schools and non-profits.
On event days, Wild Blue Car Wash donated 50 percent of their wash sales to the organizations, while the charity volunteers vacuumed and dried vehicles for additional donations. Some groups also sold baked goods and refreshments.

“We are excited to partner with our local high schools and youth organizations to help them raise money for their activities, said Wild Blue Car Wash President David Begin. We would not be able to do this without our customers - we have the best customers in the world! We would like to thank everyone who came out and supported these local youth organizations. We thought 2018 was our best charity wash season, but with the support again this year we were able to raise even more and make 2019 our best charity wash season!
The program is a win-win for all parties involved. The organizations earn money without worrying about sales, stock, or delivery; local residents are able to support these great groups while driving away with a professionally-cleaned car, and Wild Blue Car Wash is given the opportunity to gain new customers. Plus, since Wild Blue recycles 80% of its water and uses environmentally friendly soaps, it is better for the environment than alternative parking lot car wash fundraisers.