Focused Car Wash Solutions (FCS) helped launch the new and improved Camelot Car & Dog Wash in Golden, Colorado.
“Camelot had two Karcher systems that we replaced with Petit 360i units,” explained FCS President Aaron Green. “During this remodel, the bays were cleaned up, new paneling installed, along with new dryers and an improved light show. The custom signage on the Petit units really helps complete the experience!”
Camelot is truly a unique experience. From the castle design of the building, to the all of the custom branding, you enter into medieval times when you experience this wash! Camelot features two automatic bays, three self-serve bays, and two self-serve dog wash bays. (
Camelot Car & Dog Wash is located at 4409 McIntyre St, Golden, CO 80403.

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